Threat Intelligence
We give you vital intelligence about upcoming threats and actual Cyber Security risks
It takes a few minutes to infect a computer, while incident detection and remediation activities may last months. Even if you feel confident in your systems’ safety, vulnerabilities of your clients, employees, or partners may become your problem – this potential threat has become a reality for financial institutions, payment systems and telecommunications operators. Security breach in a company of your industry may be a warning sign of future attacks on your business, while insiders will help criminals bypass your defensive barriers.
Be prepared to any attack scenario with Intelligence Cyber Analytics: receive the most specific and detailed information for prompt response and the most recent data for threat prevention.
Keep up with the constantly changing threat landscape, learn about threats targeting your business area, evaluate and improve your IT security investment strategy
- Evaluate risks, analyze statistics and assess potential damages
- Prioritize threats based on expert forecasts
- Learn attack tactics and Cybercrime strategy
- Know your enemy
- Analytics by country or economy sector
- Quarterly digests
- Profiles of criminal groups, hacktivists and Cyber terrorists
- Updated statistics and forecasts of hacking activity
- Analysis of hacker campaigns and assessment of damages
- Key news of the Cybercrime underworld
- Taking control on upcoming Cyber threats
Prepare for Cyber attacks with comprehensive information on malware threatening your company and clients, attack targets and methods, Cyber espionage tools, news and notifications on potential threats from private hacker resources.
- Adapt your security tools and response plans
- Learn about data leaks and identify insiders
- Prevent confidential data from being sold to third parties
- Monitor hacking attacks and activity peaks correlating with your incidents
- Tactics, tools and indicators of targeted attacks, including email subjects and malicious application names
- Full description, C&C server addresses, copies of setting files and other information on malware targeting your company and clients
- Notifications on data leaks and corporate and personal data sales
- Messages on searching insiders in companies and signs of suspicious hacker activity related to your company (such as detected specific malware targeting your business)
- Lists of hacked and attacked websites, phishing or hacked legitimate resources spreading malware
- DDoS attack target lists
- Modifications in operating systems and system-wide abnormal behaviors
- Suspicious IP addresses, including lists of non-public socks proxy servers, public proxy servers, Tor exit nodes, etc.
AADI specialists daily analyze thousands of compromised credentials, bank card numbers, messages and postings of “black hats” on deep web hacking forums, information on hundreds of attacks. We analyze the most recent malware, attack mechanisms and participate in incident investigations collecting the most recent and detailed information about Cybercriminals, their strategies and tools.
Collecting and analyzing information in 11 languages, the largest monitoring capabilities in Emerging Markets
Data processing and storage on secure servers
High confidentiality of all the stored data, regularly tested and assessed security